
My name is Taihua Shao. I am a second-year PhD student at the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, with a major on Information System.

During the master’s period, my research topic mainly focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR). I have conducted research on question-answering (QA), or more specifically, answer selection in QA. My recent research interest involves Job-Resume Matching.


1. National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, China, Mar. 2020 – Present

2. National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, China, Sep. 2017 – Dec. 2019

3. National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, China, Sep. 2013 – Jun. 2017


1. SIGIR 2019
Paris, France, Jul. 2019

2. University of Dundee
Dundee, UK, Feb. 2016 - Jul. 2016

3. Qian Xuesen Class of Innovation and Development
Changsha, China, Sep. 2013 – Jun. 2017


A full list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar homepage here.

  1. Taihua Shao, Fei Cai, Wanyu Chen, Honghui Chen: Self-supervised Clarification Question Generation for Ambiguous Multi-turn Conversation[J]. Information Sciences (2021)
  2. Taihua Shao, Honghui Chen, Zhen Shu, Xiang Lv , Fei Cai, Wei-Ming Zhang. Mission Intelligent Parsing for Unmanned Combat Command and Control[J]. Journal of Command and Control (2021)
  3. Long Xu, Taihua Shao*, Honghui Chen, Prediction of Batting Lattice Parameters Based on Monte Carlo Simulation [J]. Fire Control & Command Control (2021)
  4. Taihua Shao, Fei Cai, Honghui Chen, Maarten de Rijke: Length-adaptive Neural Network for Answer Selection[C]. SIGIR 2019
  5. Taihua Shao, Yupu Guo, Honghui Chen, et al. Transformer-Based Neural Network for Answer Selection in Question Answering[J]. IEEE Access (2019)
  6. Taihua Shao, Xiaoyan Kui, Pengfei Zhang, et al. Collaborative Learning for Answer Selection in Question Answering[J]. IEEE Access (2018)
  7. Taihua Shao, Honghui Chen, Wanyu Chen. Query Auto-Completion Based on Word2Vec Semantic Similarity[C]. CMVIT 2018

( *: Corresponding Author )


  1. Outstanding Student Award in Graduate School, NUDT, 2019
  2. IR’19 / SIGIR Student Travel Grants with $1,000.00 offered by ACM SIGIR, 2019
  3. Honorable Mention Award in Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2015
  4. Outstanding Student Award in College of Science, NUDT, 2015
  5. Third Prize in The Chinese College Mathematics Competitions, 2014


1. Research on Deep Interactive Conversational Recommendation Technology, Jul. 2020 – Present

2. Research on Query Auto-completion in Information Retrieval, Nov. 2015 – Nov. 2016

3. Research on Answer Selection in Question Answering Based on Self-attention Mechanism, Jul. 2019 – Mar. 2021